Wednesday, October 31, 2007



Thursday started off as a typical day… mi primer clase (la profesora estaba enferma y por eso, no tenía clase), almuerzo en la casa en mis 2 clases, y otro viaje a Ciudad Universitaria para mi ultima clase. Después de clase, Mateo y yo fuimos a un restaurante, bebimos una cerveza, y hablamos sobre decisiones importantes de la vida (important life decisions). A las 18, mi amigo, se llama Chris, llegó al aeropuerto. Estaba muy emocionada porque no le había visto a Chris en más de 11 meses. En la noche, Chris, Mateo y yo fuimos al restaurante mexicano, se llama La Mordida, donde comemos mucho. CRAZY COINCIDENCE! When the three of us were walking to one of the metro entrances at Goya, I saw some girl on the phone who looked extremely familiar. It was Mamiko – one of Jess’ friends who stayed with us first semestre lsat year. Después de la cena, nos reunimos con otros chicos para un botellón en la Plaza de España. Let’s just say that Don kicked everyone’s ass that night – well, he kicked at least mine, Mat’s and Chris’. Muchos de los chicos querían mirar el partido de los Red Sox y por eso, caminamos a Dubliners, donde pasamos mucho tiempo, hasta 4 o 5 en la mañana. Al viernes, no fui a mi clase porque me levanté a las 10 (el tiempo en que mi clase comience) y porque mi profesora estaba enferma los dos días anteriores y piense que ella iba a estar enferma otra vez. También, mi señora me dijo que no debía ir a mi clase este viernes porque no era justo. Estaba de acuerdo con ella pero, por supuesto, mi profesora no estaba enferma. Oh well…

Primero, Chris y yo fuimos a la oficina de ApelCom porque mi móvil no funcionaba y caminamos por la Plaza de España, el Palacio Real y comemos almuerzo muy cerca de mi casa. Fuimos al Prado, anduvimos el Paseo de Prado y vimos la Plaza de Colon. Por supuesto, fuimos al Retiro y nos sentamos enfrente del lago. Afterwards, Chris went back to his hostel and I went back to my house to take a nap because we were exhausted from the night before. After our nap, we met up again in Sol, walked through the Plaza Mayor and went to dinner. We were going to go to a party on Friday night to support the 3rd year med students en la Universidad Autonoma, pero estabamos cansados y queríamos dormir porque en la mañana, we were leaving for our day trip to Toledo. We caught the Metro home and had an amazing night of sleep.

Saturday morning, I met up with Chris at the Retiro, where we were catching the bus to Toledo. After a short nap, we arrived in Toledo and had an amazing day. The weather was gorgeous – not too hot, not too warm. We saw a beautiful panoramic view of Toledo, the Plaza de Zocodober, el Museo de Santa Cruz, el Catedral, El Entierro del Conde Orgaz en la Iglesia de Santo Tomé, la Sinagoga del Tránsito, Santa María la Blanca, San Juan de los Reyes y finalmente, el Puente de San Martín. When I was in Toledo, Ross called and invited me over for Maria’s paella with his, Maria, Sandra and Paul. I was so sad when I had to turn down the invite because I love Maria’s paella. Sin embargo, si no hubiera estado en Toledo, habría estado en Barcelona con la otra hija de Ross. When we got home from the trip, a bunch of us walked to “our” ice cream place, which probably has some of the best ice cream I have ever tasted – except for the gelato in Italy. Ice cream was followed by a walk to the supermarket down the street to pick up our good friend Don, and then home for a nap and a shower. I then met up with Chris, got something to eat, had serious life chats, and then we walked to the palace where festivities began for Katie’s birthday. After some bonding time with Don, we walked to Sol, where we tried to get into Joy but these guys snuck in on our name. Therefore, we ended up in Dreams… like always, we went to Sprint after Dreams and then we walked to Dubliners to catch some sports. After walking Chris back to his hostel, Hannah and I caught a cab home.

Sunday morning, Chris sent me an SMS at about 8 am in the morning because we had turned the clocks back the night before. When my phone went off, I wanted to kill him! However, I ignored the SMS y cuando me levanté a las 10, nos reunimos y fuimos al Café del Arte, donde comemos desayuno antes de ir al misa. Después de la misa, Chris recogió su bolsa y fuimos a la Plaza Mayor durante el día. Chris left for the airport and I went home, where I was extremely unproductive. I slept from about 18 – 20, awoke to my señora shaking me at 20 to eat dinner, and then fell asleep again until 22 when I relocated to my bed and went to sleep for the night.

Monday morning, I was extremely awake, which was nice for a change. However, it was one of those days – in psych, we had a guest speaker who was hard to understand, I finally met up with my intercambio but he spoke to me in English almost the entire time, and then I had my 3-hour class, which is always a pain. Monday night, Mat called to check up on me since I hadn’t seen him in almost 2 days and we bonded over our bad moods. About an hour later, he called and told me to get dressed because we were going out. At 22, we met up but it was an hour earlier than we were meeting with the girls – therefore, we went to VIPS and ate like fat asses! It was great! Then, at 23:15, we met up with Hannah and took the metro to Plaza de España, where we just hung out with Danny, Michelle, Katie and her boyfriend… but we can’t forget Don.

Tuesday morning, I woke up and went to Complu to buy my tickets to Ireland. However, when I double-checked the dates, me di cuenta que el día que iba a salir es el mismo día del examen parcial de mi clase de cultura y civilización. Sin embargo, mañana hablaré con Ana y la pediré si puedo tomar el examen más temprano en el día. After this disappointment, I wrote a few e-mails and then came home for lunch. I read some culture, watched the free episode of Run’s House that I had downloaded off iTunes, and then I taught English. The girls were okay today. When I came home, I finished reading, watched Metro to Metro with my señora and then ate dinner. Ahora, estoy aquí, escribiendo mi “blog”. Estoy emocionada porque mis padres vienen a Madrid en jueves!


Jess said...

i love: Sin embargo, si no hubiera estado en Toledo, habría estado en Barcelona con la otra hija de Ross. oh yes you would have been!!! sniff : ( jeje, well just wait till december and then we'll be back in BCN!! but before then, on the 21st i will see youuuuuu : ) sooooo good talking to u tonite sweetie, i miss u so much. i dunno wat i would do if i didnt get to see u at xmas!!

Albertinho said...

Muy breve:

Primero: Tendrias que haber estado en Barcelona!!!!

Segundo: Dile a tu intercambio que te hable en castellano o iré y le arrancaré la lengua!!

Tercero: Te mando muchos besos!!! Espero que vengas muy muy pronto!